The Savvy Producer series, now called “Intro to Doc Producing“ is a major outreach event taking form as a series of professional development activations. Zakide is strongly encouraging artists in our circles to access these resources and get some serious skills in making film.
DOC Institute is bringing back our Intro to DOC Producing (formerly Savvy Producer) to Ontario filmmakers. We are pleased to present this series in an online format for the first time, for free – making it more accessible than ever before.
This program is a great refresher for new and emerging producers, filmmakers looking to refresh producing basics, and individuals transitioning into the documentary industry. This series will be led by arts educator Chanda Chevannes and will support new and emerging filmmakers towards a better understanding of how to get their documentary films funded, made, and seen. Each of these 90-minute sessions will offer an overview of best practices for a specific aspect of documentary filmmaking.
These sessions will focus on introducing participants to local resources – including our festival partners in each area, respectively – and facilitating networking and community-building between filmmakers.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN – $10/session suggested donation per session
Check out the event site for more details: